
Finally settling in

Things are finally calming down and getting back to normal after a crazy couple of weeks. Classes have started back up again and I'm all moved in and redecorated. I have a problem where I can't craft until everything else I need to do is done, and redecorating/reorganizing my room was definitely my first priority the past week.

So now-on to better things. I finally finished a piece I've been working on for a few weeks for a few of my friend's apartment. Definitely not what I was planning on doing originally, but I just started painting and this is what came out. It has a few touch up spots that still need to be gone over, but overall I like it a lot.

One of the other things I just started, it's WIP at the moment, is a birthday present for one of my best friends. She loves dinosaurs and it was only natural I paint her a cute little one for her birthday on Friday! I personally adore this, definitely one of the most precious things ever. Still have to add eyes, spots, and go over the outlines though.

I'll post more pictures of it when it's finished! Have a great week as always.

1 comment:

  1. your work is amusing and inspirational. it truly captures the essence of what it is to be alive in this cruel world. thank you for sharing your unique vision
